The Science Arts Explorers is a project lead by young people who live with complex health care needs, are transitioning from children to adult’s health services or are homeless or at risk young people. Through the project young people acquired new skills to explore and share their experience through science/arts initiatives.
The project offered opportunity for clients of Westmead Hospital Adolescent and Young Adults Medicine to gain skills in Science Technology and Maths- through Australian Computing Academy’s young tutors, and Arts skills with emerging local young artists Kal Dhir and Silia Cluff.
The project was open to clients of High Street Youth Community Health.
The workshops at Westmead Conference and Education Centre (Westmead Hospital) and at High Street.
The project employed young artists and connected to the ArtsLab@ Westmead Connectivity Centre. This involved other young artists including Hiro Kojo, Mina Manesh and Jayden Eastwood.